Enterprise Backup Solutions
Do you have to stop what you’re doing to back up data? Do you have to think about backup, or does it happen automatically? Enterprises these days face the challenge of data explosion and must back up their data while proceeding to function in extremely cost sensitive and cautious environments. Data stability and protection is of primary importance to just about any company environment.
- The backup challenge: too much data, too little time to protect it
- The restore challenge: business disruption caused by slow recovery
- The remote/branch office protection challenge: unreliable and inconsistent protection posing risk
- The IT operations challenge: do more with less time, budget and staff
- The disaster recovery challenge: implement a simple, proven and cost-effective solution
- The retention and compliance challenge: economical, durable and reliable solution to meet compliance requirement
You need transparent, automatic, fast and reliable backup solutions, so you can focus on business growth without having to worry about business risk.
B3W provides backup and archiving solutions that deploy backups the way users expect – quickly, transparently, automatically, without having to think about it.
Our Enterprise Backup professionals deliver leading Backup and Replication plans, centered on building and applying an ideal solution for your organization.
Today Continuous Data Protection (CDP) is becoming an industry standard in the virtualization backup space. Virtual infrastructures help in resolving a wide range of problems that a company faces, while working with traditional physical server network. At the same time it creates new challenges in the aspect of data protection and backup.
While the traditional backup tools are used to ensure data safety within physical infrastructures and normally perform backups up to a certain schedule, our solution in combination with leading edge technologies, help you to take copies of each and every transaction occurring within the network and ensure you of any point any piece (of information access) within your infrastructure.
B3W solutions focus on the following
• Backup solutions
• Recovery Solutions
• Archive Solutions
• De-duplication and Optimization
• Backup Management
B3W offers a wide range of Backup Solutions from Big Vendors such as:
• HPE Backup Solutions
• Vmware Backup Solutions – ( Veeam )
• Falcon Store Solutions

Main Features
Backup and Recovery solutions can help:
• Business Value:
Reduce risk and business downtime with industry-leading performance
Centralize remote office data protection for simplified administration
Balance performance, cost and retention period needs to meet compliance needs
Lower capital and operational expenditure
Slash replication costs with WAN-optimized replication
• Technical Value :
Create disk-to-disk point-in-time backup copies in native format.
Reduce backup times from hours or days to minutes.
Reduce disk capacity requirements by up to 90%.
Speed data recovery—native format enables end-user “browse and restore.”
Accelerate backup and recovery of all your storage systems to the cloud.
major backup technologies: DAT, AIT, DLT, SDLT, and Ultrium.
zero-downtime backup
Quickly recover files, databases, systems, and entire sites
Eliminate redundant data and shrink your bandwidth usage and backup repositories by as much as 95%

Target users:
All Mid range and Enterprise Organizations.
B3W Capabilities and services
B3W also offers comprehensive services to Assess , design, Supply , implement, and support the right solution for individual needs.